Thursday 31 March 2016

Eric Provminski's helmet. 
The facial mouth apparatus helps the air filtration. 

The two optical devices aid in night vision and data display 

air coolant tubes are found under the optical aides.  

the nodes on the left and right of the helmet are long range communications as well as atmospheric readers. 

On the helmets left is a radiation meter (geiger counter).  

Eric’s Journey through the new world

In the year 2025, in a little town in Minsk an 18-year-old boy by the name of Eric Provminski was getting ready for bed, but little did he know that tomorrow his life and the lives of countless others would be changed forever.
Eric’s father Jova Provminski was an inventor, he created the most useful and miraculous inventions, he even patented and soled a few.
One day Eric’s father realized that because of all the fighting between his country and others over depleting resources with the exception of atomic, it was not long before something bad would happen. So thinking about his child’s safety he sought to create his best invention yet!
 He worked for years leading up to the unforgettable day in 2025. That night as Eric lay in bed his father had completed the invention that would protect his son’s life. Mr. Provminski dizzy with excitement ran to his son’s room to show him his work, but in his hurry he was completely unaware that the moment has come. Just outside Minsk one of many other atomic bombs had just gone off!, weather it was an accident or a sinister attack nobody knows. The initial shockwave struck Mr. Provminski’s already unstable house and so a beam was loosened in his path and crushed half his body. Hearing this Eric ran out to find his father barley holding onto life calling out to him. Eric in a state of emotion tried to lift the great oak beam, but his father insisted he stop and listen to him. The boy fear stricken fell to his knees and lent over his father so as to hear his last words. He said “Eric I can no longer protect you from the world that you are about to come into, so I made this to keep you alive and perhaps remind you of me when I’m gone”. Eric looked over and saw that his father was holding some sort of suit with a peculiar looking helmet. Jova said it will protect you from the radiation, harmful gasses and hopefully anything ells. He died soon after those last words and his son realizing the oncoming cataclysm put on the suit and held on for dear life.
For hours he was bashed and hammered until he emerged from the rubble he surveyed the devastation that was his new world. As he assessed himself Eric noticed something on the sleeve of his suit, it was a placard which said.

“My dearest son Eric, I love you and if in my absence you are may this suite guide you through the darkness and protect you from danger.
My light shines through you now”.

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